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Monday, December 22, 2008


This close to the holiday season what could possible play well at The Compound?
That's right, we watched the original Slumber Party Massacre and The Tripper. It started out with all the kids except Delia who was having an emo fit. Martha wandered down as the shit started to hit the fan onscreen and we had a great time making fun of all the drill inspired mayhem. Dennis was fond of the huge boob count at the beginning of the flick to be replaced by the gore quotient towards the end.
I always have fun watching this flick.
The second one was a new one in The Compound. The Tripper is by David Arquette and deals with a killer with an axe, and a suit and a tie and a Ronald Reagan mask! This is without a doubt one weird flick. Sure, it's full of famous people like Paul Rubens and Thomas Jane who acts like he's channeling his character from Boogie Nights, but it's so much more. Full of naked and wild gore setpieces this is one fun flick. Did I mention Jason Mewes is in it? He's very, no Jay, funny in this thing.
I only kept Dandelion and Dan for this flick. The rest wandered off.
Good stuff.

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